Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where do new ideas come from?

Where do new ideas come from? Do they come from our brains? Our heads? Or are they generated from other people's ideas or reactions? Well, I believe new ideas are made by our imagination. If we didn't have any imagination, we wouldn't be able to imagine the world in the years to come, we wouldn't have all of our genius creations, and sometimes, a reason to live. We use our imagination to come up with ideas. Take the telephone for example, how did Thomas Jefferson come up with the idea of a phone? Imagination. He may have imagined a world where everyone could talk to each other without moving, and then decided this world was a good one. He took actions into his own hands, and voila! A telephone! So you see, ideas are generated through imagination. Sometimes, ideas from imagination can't really be made into a reality so don't dream TOO big, people.

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