Sunday, September 5, 2010

Favourite Short Story From Our Unit!

For our shot story unit we read three different stories. All of them were entertaining but I think my favourite was 'Lamb to the Slaughter' by Roald Dahl. It was my favorite because I loved the character of Mary Maloney. Roald Dahl did an excellent job of portraying the character to be a kind gentle woman, but he let the readers know how cunning she actually was. Mary seemed so innocent at first, so helpless, but in fact she could do so much more than everyone thought she could. Also, the irony in the story makes me laugh and feel like a detective because the policemen didn't know that in fact, the lamb was under their very noses! The activity that Ms. Casey had us do was also really fun and interesting so I liked that.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. "lamb to the slaughter" was my favorite story out of all of them too. But I wasn't really given a good picture of Patrick Maloney. But yes, I liked the book for all the same reasons.
