Tuesday, November 2, 2010

LEONARDO DA VINCI - a Renaissance Man?

Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most famous inventors and artists of the Renaissance time. He was in my opinion the ultimate renaissance man. He was a painter, and at the young age of 14 was working as an apprentice to Andrea del Verrochio. When he left the workshop however, he became more interested in engineering and the anatomy of various animals, and people. His notebook was usually full of designs for war mechanisms, sketches of sculptures, and the anatomy of certain subjects. He paid homage to his city, by designing things such as canals, and war defenses, and beautiful sculptures. He redefined portraits when he painted his famous subject, The Mona Lisa, by giving her a sort of smile that was not very heard of in portraits. Also, Leonardo was assisting many people that had huge social statuses, such as important families, dukes and even the pope.

Leonardo redefined the rules of science and art and contributed to the term 'rebirth', therefore making him a true renaissance man.

1 comment:

  1. Great work on this assignment Cassidy, including the fabulous timeline and the image you used to augment this post.
