Monday, September 28, 2009

Compliment Guys- I agree!

It's really cool what the compliment guys are doing. I mean, brightening people's days. It's always a perk. I wish that I could do somthing like that but I am VERY busy nowadays. When people compliment me, I am always so happy. I am really likiing Dakshina's idea about going to Pavillion for an hour. It would be really fun. It really makes people feel good, and their confidence boosts way up. Sounds to me that the US is not in a very good place but the small things people do can change it all around and they are making people feel better at the same time. I hope that right now it's working for the US and I hope that President Barack Obama can change the nation for the better. It's the Compliment guys. How can they go wrong?
I chose the image because the child in the swing looks so content and happy and it makes me feel like there is peace and happiness across the globe. It reminds me of myself when I was little. I used to think the world was perfect and everything happened for a good reason and now i'm starting to think like that again.

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